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DVN Printed Resources Available

Descriptions of available updated Resources: Orange Brochure: A good "catch all." Covers what DV is and the various types of abuse, illustrates the cycle of abuse, goes over some warning signs, touches on escalation, and includes central Indiana resources. Includes a paper Safety Plan.

LGBTQ+ Brochure: Similar to the orange brochure but includes specific considerations for LGBTQ+ relationships as well as LGBTQ+ specific central Indiana resources. Includes a paper Safety Plan.

Violence in Relationships: The Warning Signs and What you can do" Brochure: This brochure covers what DV is and the various types of abuse, warning signs of DV, covers some major myths surrounding DV, things you can do to help someone experiencing DV, and includes central Indiana resources. Includes a scannable QR code to a digital Safety Plan.

Shoe Cards: These are business card size, ideal for bathrooms, or for 1-on-1 interactions where someone may be looking for assistance if they are in a domestic violence situation. Meant to be discreet (fit into a shoe) especially if someone is unsafe. Includes warning signs, central Indiana resources, and steps to developing a safety plan.

Spanish Resources: We do have some of our printed materials available in Spanish, please inquire.

If you would like to request printed resources from DVN, please fill out this form.

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