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Just Released: 2024 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention

The National Strategy is a bold new 10-year, whole-of-society approach that provides concrete recommendations for addressing gaps in the suicide prevention field. It incorporates advances in the field, and is designed to guide, motivate, and promote a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention in communities across the country.

The National Strategy focuses on the many factors associated with suicide, with the recognition that there is no single solution. It is accompanied by the first-ever Federal Action Plan, which identifies more than 200 actions across the federal government to be taken over the next three years in support of those goals.

Carrying out a comprehensive approach relies on collaboration from public and private sector partners, people with lived experience, and people in populations disproportionately affected by suicide and suicide attempts.

Resources for promoting the National Strategy and Federal Action Plan, including a fact sheet, suggested social media copy, and more, are available for your use at

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