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Indiana and Hamilton County Statistics


How much do you really know about the health of Indiana and Hamilton County? Take a look at these stats—some of them may surprise you! Continue to regularly visit this site as we develop critical information and infographics that help us understand the health concerns Hamilton County and the State of Indiana faces.


  1. Indiana is ranked 38th on the list of healthiest states and 47th on the list of states with the healthiest well-being.

  2. A 2018 study found that 32.5% of Indiana adults are obese, Indiana ranking is 10th among the states with highest percentage of obese adults in the nation. (The State of Obesity: Better Policies for a Healthier America) Updated August 31, 2017: According to the most recent data, adult obesity rates now exceed 35 percent in five states, 30 percent in 25 states, and 25 percent in 46 states.

  3. About 1 in 5 (20.6%) Indiana adults were current smokers in 2015.  Smoking takes the lives of 11,100 Hoosiers annually. For every pack of cigarettes sold in Indiana, our state spends $15.90 in health care costs and lost productivity related to smoking. (Indiana Tobacco Burden, 2015)

  4. Smoking, alcohol consumption, and substance abuse are connected to mental health. Those with mental illness are 50% more likely to smoke and are at greater risk of alcohol and substance abuse.

  5. Low-income individuals and those in poverty are at greater risk for overweight and obesity because low-income neighborhoods frequently lack full-service grocery stores.

  6. Heroin use in Indiana increased by 294% between 2008 and 2014. Interstate-74 is known as the Heroin Highway.


  1. The closest grocery store to Atlanta in northeastern Hamilton County is more than 20 miles away. The only “grocery store” in the area is Dollar General.

  2. In 2017 monthly food drives in Noblesville, Cicero and Sheridan served 854 households and 2030 families. Of those households, 684 participants were ages 5 and younger, 1649 were ages 6 to 17, 3162 were ages 18 to 59 and 919 were ages 60 and older.

  3. Less than 10% of county residents who need mental health treatment actually receive it.

  4. More than 25% of households make less than $50,000 in some areas of the county, below 60% of Hamilton County’s median household income.

  5. Low-income seniors and the elderly often lack transportation. More than 20% of Arcadia residents are more than 65 years old and more than 26% of those seniors live on less than $15,000 annually.

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